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Open Call:
Guest Room: Christiane Pratsch Monarchi & Eva Eicker

Guest Room is dedicated to igniting collaboration. Christiane Monarchi, the founding co-editor of Hapax Magazine and founding editor of Photomonitor, is teaming up with curator Eva Eicker, an expert focusing on social and cultural issues for critical engagement with contemporary photography. Together they have designed the next theme for your submissions: "Wortbildsalat / word-image-salad" as an invitation to create a communal poem.

This theme draws inspiration from Surrealist salons, reflecting the artistic practices of figures such as André Breton and Marcel Duchamp, who famously collaborated on "cadavre exquis" or "exquisite corpse" creations, merging words or drawings.

Artists are invited to submit images accompanied by a caption. We welcome you to share an inner experience of the submitted photograph with us and join in crafting a photographic "Wordbildsalat / word-image-salad". We are implementing a Guest Room Scholarship, sponsored by MPB: an artist stipend of 1.000 € to one of the selected submitters. For the chance to be awarded a stipend submit before the deadline on May 8. Learn more below. Supported by MPB, the largest global platform to buy, sell and trade used photo and video kit.
